Jan Crooker

Color has always been a focus for Jan’s art. She attributes her love of color to her childhood participation in art classes at the Toledo Museum of Art. She has a MFA from Penn State and has exhibited nationwide. She is a member of the Rehoboth Art League and paints bright colorist Eastern Shore paintings in acrylic on canvas. She posts a painting a day on Instagram.

Paintings, Prints & Cards

Address: 445B Garfield Parkway Bethany Beach

Phone: 610- 504-0819

Website: jancrooker.com

Email: jancrooker@gmail.com

Directions to Studio: Going west on Garfield Parkway, St. Barts Courtyard is the next right turn. Her home is the second house in St. Barts Court, a courtyard of Key West style homes on stilts. Use the back stairs to enter the studio.

Raffle Piece

“Blue House”

8” x 8” Original Acrylic Painting